Architecture & Interior

Architecture & Interior

Architecture & Interior

Architecture & Interior

Springleaf Condominium

At Mumbai, India

Site Area: 25,137 sqm

Building Height: 23 Storey

Gross Floor Area: 58,118 sqm

Total No. of Units: 420 nos.

Situated in a residential community in the north-western region of Mumbai, India. The building mass is designed with a semi-enclosed court yard concept embracing the lush podium landscape deck facing the quiet neighbourhood street.

& Light

Its arresting structure is laced with the louvres that define the corner of the intricately knitted building blocks. The louvres enclose and frame up the roof top garden that is by day a porous sheath that catches light from various angles and in the night emits the ethereal glow of soft candlelight as a lantern.


The louvres are integrals to the facade expressing structural rhythm and providing visual layering of components. The mass of the exterior plaster walls is juxtaposed to the transparent glazed facades, creating a mosaic layers of materials.

Podium Gardens

Layers of Design

It is through this use of the layered materials combined with the enclosure walls as planes intersected by transparent surfaces which blurs the separation between inside and links up the spaces.

Seamless Facade

Structural Rhythm

Ambient Illumination

Urban Sophisticated

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