Wallfort Heights Condominium
Raipur, India
Site Area: 57,000 sqm
Building Height: G + 8 Storey
Gross Floor Area: 125,400 sqm
Total No. of Units: 783 nos.
The design of the house redefines modern vernacular living. The dynamic form of the house embraces the site terrain to create a picturesque and compelling composition. The existing mature trees at the site are conserved to provide shade to the outdoor terraces and screening to private spaces on the upper floors. The external architectural treatment of the house is sensitive to the internal functions of public and private domains. Whist maximising light and ventilation to the various spaces, screens are strategically designed to minimise heat infiltration.
in Nature

Car parking is provided on ground and at the semi sunken lower ground level as shown on the concept sections. Ventilation for car park below ground will be provided between building blocks forming part of the landscape.