Architecture & Interior

Architecture & Interior

Architecture & Interior

Architecture & Interior

BCA Universal Design Mark – GOLDPLUS

On March 31st, 2011, the BCA (Building and Construction Authority) of Singapore awarded the Causeway Point Shopping Centre with a prestigious BCA Green Mark Platinum certification after a rigorous evaluation. Later, on May 14th, 2015, the BCA honored the establishment with the BCA Universal Design Mark – GoldPlus, recognizing its commitment to universal accessibility and design excellence. The BCA’s Green Mark Certification Scheme, initiated in January 2005, serves as a rating system to promote sustainability and diminish the environmental impact of structures. This system assesses buildings based on diverse criteria, including energy and water efficiency, environmental conservation, indoor environmental quality, and other eco-friendly aspects. Ranging from Green Mark Certified to Green Mark Platinum, the certification levels are awarded based on the buildings’ environmental performance. Notably, the Green Mark system is tailored to address the region’s distinctive tropical climate.

The renovation of the mall aims to enhance shopper’s experience both spatially and visually through its contemporary and stylish design approach. The mall is redeveloped with high experience/entertainment value in order to attract a larger number of customers to prolong their shopping duration and enhance the generation of income.

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